
2024 Year of Transformation

"In September 2024, she took a drastic step by involving the police and lodging a complaint against me. This incident occurred during the period of Pitrapaksha, a time of ancestral worship in the Hindu calendar. By this time, I was already feeling unsettled by her behavior, and suspicions regarding a possible affair on her part had started to gnaw at me. I couldn't ignore the signs - her changing appearance, late nights at the office, prolonged phone conversations, and even discovering her in an inebriated state one Thursday night. Witnessing her intoxicated and displaying unusual behavior was a jarring moment for both me and Ashay, who also noticed these changes. This incident marked a turning point in our relationship. Our visit to Mumbai for Raksha Bandhan celebrations, where Ashay, Advay, and I were together, seemed like a fond memory. However, upon returning, I noticed a significant shift in her demeanor. Her altered dressing style, secretive late-night phone calls, and i

Advay as blessing

Sometimes I think I am most luckiest father to have a son like Advay who is a blessing and the thought process he has at the age of 10 years I never imagined anyone can think that far throughout his or her life. One night while sleeping with him he was talking about organ donation and how he would like to pledge his organ donation instead of getting it cremated. He explained how we can remain alive even after our death by donating our organ through.  He said" why to waste our organ, can't we donate our eyes, lungs, liver & kidney and it will help us to live in another living being's body part, we can live through it" It was astonishing and he encouraged and put a thought to me about organ donation.

On a Much Happier Note...

 On a Much Happier Note... Hahahaha, I'm a little embarrassed to admit this. I'm awkwardly laughing and blushing. It's just, you know, I don't get this a lot. Well, I started liking her, this teenagish feeling how I got now and what made me drive like this. I may sound crazy but I need to accept and admit my feeling. After long long time I found someone attractive, caring and loving  and the smile really forces anyone to be happy by keeping all troubles at bay. Yeah, I just realized...oh shit I have a crush. Oh no not puppy love again I'm Forty three lol. But it's good to know I can still have these feelings. Not to mention I actually know what she looks like. And she lives in Bangalore just like me. It won't ever become a thing because she has a serious family and loving husband and kids but I can live with that. But holy shit she's so cute and adorable I just love her. Whenever she's on and messaging/talking to me, I get so flustered, though that&#

Live To Make Happy & Die To Make Proud !!

Birthday :- The day you are born and came into existence. You know there are only two days in your life which doesn't have 24 hours; one is the day you are born and the day you die. Life is complete process from breath in the first act to breath out last act. In-between whatever we do is just myth or part of the game to play but at the end what matters is how much you entertained the audience. How much glory, claps or applause you got during your performance. Once the performance gets over you slowly gets diminished from memory of your audiences. At last only count your performance.  Yeah !! today is my birthday and I am 42 years old (15341 days) and I am not much excited about it. As usual my birthday for me is any other usual day but when it comes to people around me its more of fun and filled with Anand. Not sure if i am not used to of praising or appreciating or grateful to my parents for giving me birth on this planet or I lost all excitement because my birthday was never cele

Relapse of Covid-19 (Wuhan Virus)

I won't mind calling it China/Wuhan virus because of its source and the reasoning behind communist mindset. China is looking to dominate the world with its power and expansionist approach. Amid this Corona virus situation where world is fighting and struggling to cope up China was first source and victim of the same and within a month's time it declared itself free from the disease. I am still not able to understand how come a Virus left it source or creator and spread in whole world. The worst hit countries are US, Europe and India the cases are significantly growing but compare to whole world India's mortality rate is in  control. On top of that China started capturing Indian land in Ladakh and eastern border region which resulted in mortality of 20 Indian soldiers and many Chinese soldiers and whole attention diverted towards the border which played well by China and given back properly by India. Initially, India handled situation very well and confined the virus to

Post Covid-19 Situation

As per hindu mythology Kalyuga arrived only post Mahabharata war and Mahabharata was sign for the arrival of Kalyuga as the ground work for destruction has been created well in advance. If I have to compare current COVID-19 situation with Mahabharata war then it won't be justified as here we are fighting invisible enemy and it destroys human race without any weapon, it multiplies, kills and spread.  We are helpless as we can't kill it and we can just remorse the loss of our dear one, we can't meet, hug or have anymore face to face discussion and thanks to technology otherwise people would have gone crazy in current situation.  But I firmly believe that after prolonged period of crisis there's a strong desire for rebirth or renewal and it will happen in current situation. It may take time to come back to original shape in term of businesses, economy, countries, or human race in particular. We are left with only one option to fight until we can or cope up with it; o

Invisible Savior and destroyer

“Losing a loved one without saying goodbye is really painful. My father died alone and now I can’t even comfort my mother,” Michele’s daughter Stefania was crying continoustly nobody knows how to console her. And few of them fear of the touching her due to COVID-19.  This is cruel, she wanted to see him and touch him one last time and wanted to perform his last rite with full honor and dignity but couldn't do due to infection. She failed to understand why this virus is so Brutal that it event don't allow one to leave the world in peace... Now, its huge blunt on belief system we have been following till now, no matter what religion we always had some image or our creator or savior but in this Corona case the Destroyer and Savior both are invisible to human eyes and they work in background either to punish humanity or save human race.  But one thing is sure in this fight that the result will go in favor of nature.. As we human being never been most loving child of nature, as w